February 4, 2020



□ You’re not using your homepage as your landing page
□ Your page focuses on one deliverable
□ Your landing page does NOT have a navigation bar
□ Your landing page does NOT have links to social accounts
□ The only option for the visitor of your landing page is to continue with the
action that you want from them (sale, form fill, etc.)
□ Visitors can immediately understand your offer.
□ Your landing page does NOT have a headline that contradicts any text
from the ad or asset that inspired the visit
□ All written content on the page is valuable to the visitor and supports the
action you want from him or her (sale, form fill, etc.)
□ All images, videos and animations are valuable to the visitor
□ All images, videos and animations are relevant to the message of your
landing page

The design of your call to action (CTA) is compelling

□ Your CTA button (or buttons) is impossible to miss
□ You’ve used a contrasting color and provided ample negative space
around your CTA
□ Your CTA is repeated at multiple scroll depths
□ You’ve created an eye path to the button with arrows or another design
element pointing to your CTA
□ Your CTA is not generic, expressly reiterates the offer and
implies action
□ The CTA uses first person pronouns, action-oriented verbs or a
combination of the two
□ You’ve included a statement that overcomes objections to your CTA, like
“cancel anytime”
□ Your form is friendly and easy to complete
□ It asks only for information you need to follow-up
□ Your form uses the fewest number of fields possible
□ Your form is neatly arranged and does NOT force the visitor to
make decisions
□ Every field is clearly labeled

One or more forms of social proof are featured on the page
to increase the trust factor. This means you’ve included one or more of the following:

□ Customer testimonials
□ Reviews
□ Customer logos
□ Trust seals (safe transactions, accreditations, etc.)
□ Media features (“As seen on”)
□ Social media posts created by fans and customers
□ Privacy policy link
□ Numbers (downloads, customer count, etc.)

You’re starting with a template that’s proven to be effective,
or have an aggressive A/B testing plan in place

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