August 15, 2019

AB testing or MultiVariant testing at a photo shoot

AB testing or MultiVariant testing at a photo shoot

I love how Zack Scriven is AB testing (sort of) his image! This is how photo shoots should be done now! Here’s what I suggest for Multivariant testing because this is not exactly AB testing or aka Split testing 

Multivariant Testing: You should have 4 pictures to choose. 
1= A (baseline); 2= A but with sunglasses; 3 = A but with that 🧢 in B; 4 = B 

AB testing: 
1 = A baseline; 2 = A with sunglasses 🕶  
So the AB testing with show whether this sunglasses and
placement improves or not. 

Side note: in all my testing, “eye contact” tend to have more conversions, time spend on site, and click thru rate.  I like A but do tell me your results! 

Side side note: I actually told my gfs they should do this for their dating app profile.  They were like “tell us more about AB testing/multi *what what* testing?!”  

Most of the times, it doesn’t turn out the way I expected.  That’s why I love #marketinganalytics #webanalytics!

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